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If You Ask Me ....

These pages contain brief essays written by Thomas R. Borden of Waugh, Alabama.

The Bible Tells Me So

Bible literalism is a key factor in a bitter and very painful crisis that is currently troubling my church, The United Methodist Church.

Pandemic Diary, Number 2

Kay Ivey's Rush to Open

A Pandemic Diary

A very personal account of the 2020 coronavirus plague.


The wonder of this story has inspired thousands of bright young men and women to spend their lives studying its details, and adding to the sum of humanity's scientific knowledge.

Forward, March!

They will graduate knowing what responsibility means, how to work within a group for a common goal. They are learning to manage their time effectively, balancing all the aspects of being in the band while keeping up with their academics and their social lives.

Old Times There Are Not Forgotten

We The People find ourselves today still a nation of slaveholders and slaves - trapped in the bitter adversarial relationships that are the inevitable results of the evils of slavery.

Slow Down, You Move Too Fast

...because the boy's grandfather had taught him how to read in the summer before he started school, he was reading at a higher level than the other boys and girls in his first-grade class, and the school had decided to promote him to second grade early.

Thy Will Be Done...

What do we mean when we pray, "Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven."?

A Conversation With God

The reader should understand that my image of God is that of a pleasant-faced middle-aged matron, very much like my Aunt Peggy.

For They Shall Inherit

She was one of those rare individuals that seemed to be more highly evolved than the rest of us. In an earlier age she would have been called a saint - or maybe a witch, depending on who she had last crossed paths with.

A Reason To Hope

Their relationship would have been impossible, unthinkable, at the University of Alabama in 1964. Now, they are not even an oddity.


Credo in unum Deum, Patrem omnipotentem, - "I believe in one God, father almighty." The people in the church repeat this every Sunday. What are they thinking when they say it?

Magnolias and Frog Song

As the nights get warmer, the amphibian libido gets more active, and the after-dark sing-alongs that accompany courtship can be really impressive for their volume and variety.

Town Council Prayer

The conservative majority on the U.S. Supreme Court has once again played into the hands of the misguided zealots that would have their brand of Christianity be established as the governing authority in the United States.

War? What War?

The truth is that the birth of Jesus is not "the reason for the season", as preachers would have us believe. What we refer to as the Christ Mass is in fact a time-honored secular celebration...


No, I don't believe that religion in and of itself is poisonous; but I do believe that any actions that seek to impose religion on others should be considered a criminal act of social violence, and prosecuted as such.

The Class of 1960

One day last week, an article in the paper on local graduation exercises reminded me that the 52nd anniversary of my own graduation from Robert E. Lee High School in Montgomery had recently passed without notice or fanfare.


God, please bless these two boys. They are gentle and loving now, help them to stay that way as they get older. See that they grow into men who will be confident enough in their own worth to respect the worth of all around them.